The average house price on THE GRANGE is £495,095
The most expensive house in the street is 4 THE GRANGE with an estimated value of £644,004
The cheapest house in the street is 2 THE GRANGE with an estimated value of £296,521
The house which was most recently sold was 6 THE GRANGE, this sold on 3 Aug 2018 for £385,000
The postcode for THE GRANGE is LS25 2NR
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 THE GRANGE Detached £296,521 £101,000 17 May 2002
3 THE GRANGE Detached £559,813 £320,000 12 Jun 2006
4 THE GRANGE Detached £644,004 £133,750 20 Mar 1998
5 THE GRANGE Detached £442,398 £274,995 18 May 2007
6 THE GRANGE Detached £479,733 £385,000 3 Aug 2018
7 THE GRANGE Detached £507,994 £399,995 20 Nov 2017
8 THE GRANGE Detached £535,207 £155,000 4 May 2001